As we all know Facebook is COVERED with small business and dying for our attention, likes, loves, comments and more. These little things are what makes the world turn, they help the economy and our local areas.
I thought it would be fun to introduce one or two each week and tell you about them.
All if these business are owned by people I know, people I use, or pages that I just LOVE myself.
(all of these featured business have also given me permission to post about them)
So first up:
Owned and Operated by (my cousin) Michelle England.
EST. 1995
Pecos diamonds are quartz crystals that occur in scattered outcrops along the Pecos River valley in southeastern New Mexico.
SE NM: It is a desert. There is many a yucca. There are miles of flat dirt. But if you look closely, you will find treasures. And caves. Due to the quartz crystals being so rare and unusual, it is obvious that they were deposited there by the aliens which crashed their UFO outside of Roswell, NM.
Pecos diamonds are formed inside gypsum. Now and then the gypsum crumbles away, exp...osing the "diamonds". Pecos diamonds stabilize unsettled emotions. one way of doing this is by holding them in your hand and rotate or stroke them with the fingers of the same hand. Another method is to place them in an area near you and meditate on them. Pecos diamonds will bring joyful feelings to you and your surroundings. These light hearted gems work on the entire Chakra system since they belong to the silica family and bring a sense of calmness and peace of mind. They are also said to assist in creativity and initiation. They can assist in motivating us to explore new ventures, new ideas or to play out an existing plan or goal.
Pecos diamonds are formed inside gypsum. Now and then the gypsum crumbles away, exp...osing the "diamonds". Pecos diamonds stabilize unsettled emotions. one way of doing this is by holding them in your hand and rotate or stroke them with the fingers of the same hand. Another method is to place them in an area near you and meditate on them. Pecos diamonds will bring joyful feelings to you and your surroundings. These light hearted gems work on the entire Chakra system since they belong to the silica family and bring a sense of calmness and peace of mind. They are also said to assist in creativity and initiation. They can assist in motivating us to explore new ventures, new ideas or to play out an existing plan or goal.
Work Examples:
How do I order?
Pecos Diamonds can be ordered from their eBay store!
How to I contact them?
If you would like to be featured here on out Working Wednesday Features please contact me with Name, Business links and more info you would like shared.
You are awesome! Thank you!