When your a mom of 3 girls all school age its is a full time job...
add a marriage... full time job #2 is on your resume...
Then you add your full time retail job... we are up to 3
Mix in part time student and freelance photographer you add two part times and make the count to 4 full times...
Then adding your two small buisnesses your building...well we are up to 6 full time jobs in a 20 hour period...
I only count 20 because I sleep for 4...
You may think I am totally insaine to take this all on but I honestly love it.
I also did not count my blogs, house cleaning, errands, appointments and everything else required to function..
Time management is my BFF.
I also am addicted to To Do Lists, my planner, and the goal of reaching a better life for me and the family.
Since I work over night my days start usually around noon...
now I won't lie there are days where I get called to wake up at 2:45 because I over slept but its rare...
When I get home I start on the blog or on homeowrk until 8-8:30 then its off to dream land.
Since the paper is as needed bases I squeeze it in as needed.
When I wake up its finishing up homework and cleaning up the house until 3 when I go get the kiddies from school.
Then its time for homework for them and I start working on laundry dinner and utilize my smart phone to do stuff for the biz...
Then I sneak in time with the hubby and get the girls ready for school the next day. Around 8:30 I get ready to go to work until 7am...
On my off days its a race to get caught up in everything I didnt get accomplished that week or try to get a head start on the next week.
Since I work on weekends I sleep a few hours during the day.
The hubby and kids take this time to do a few chores around the house to help lessen the load on mommy... I ♡ it!
Its nice to wake up and not see a million things to be cleaned.
Since we are only 3 months into this new routine I am still working on making this schedule work for us. I still try different sleep schedules to see what benifits us the best as a family and things I can do to help us all pitch in to help each other.
After a thanksgiving break I wilk be introducing chores for the kids and ways for them to earn treats for helping.
Stay tuned on how that pans out...
When I get home I start on the blog or on homeowrk until 8-8:30 then its off to dream land.
Since the paper is as needed bases I squeeze it in as needed.
When I wake up its finishing up homework and cleaning up the house until 3 when I go get the kiddies from school.
Then its time for homework for them and I start working on laundry dinner and utilize my smart phone to do stuff for the biz...
Then I sneak in time with the hubby and get the girls ready for school the next day. Around 8:30 I get ready to go to work until 7am...
On my off days its a race to get caught up in everything I didnt get accomplished that week or try to get a head start on the next week.
Since I work on weekends I sleep a few hours during the day.
The hubby and kids take this time to do a few chores around the house to help lessen the load on mommy... I ♡ it!
Its nice to wake up and not see a million things to be cleaned.
Since we are only 3 months into this new routine I am still working on making this schedule work for us. I still try different sleep schedules to see what benifits us the best as a family and things I can do to help us all pitch in to help each other.
After a thanksgiving break I wilk be introducing chores for the kids and ways for them to earn treats for helping.
Stay tuned on how that pans out...
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