Awww working overnight is defiantly not recommended for the sleep lover (oops).
Especially if you have kids.
This week I am fortunate enough to work evenings and home before the kids are off to bed since I am in "training" but as of Saturday night my butt will be working as the family is at home sawing logs...
As of right now I have finally got everything in order to where I can get EVERYTHING I NEED to get done before or shortly after the hubby gets home in the afternoons.
My typical day now starts between 5:15am and 6am (depends on school day or not) and then it is hit the floor running.
NOW seeing that I do not get off til 7 am I have already lost at least an hour into my routine.
My biggest concern on this is when I will get sleep. Once the kids start school I know it will be easier because I can rest peacefully but for the next week I have a feeling I will be lucky with 2 hours since we are going to be in full mode to get things ready for school between appointments and everything else.
I will find it odd to sleep during the day to begin with, it has been about 9-10 years since I have done this and needless to say I am not as young as I used to be but I am a night owl by heart.
I will also find it odd to have my alarm go off at 1-2 pm to wake up for the day...
Here is my thought process on how my day should go...
7 am off work
7:30 get home take kids to school if not done yet (Our neighbor girl is going to take them for me on nights I have to work but I will take them on my off days)
7:30-10:00 Start laundry, dinner (LOTS of crockpot meals coming our way) homework and clean up the house, work on WtP etc.
10:00-1:00pm: SLEEP
1:00pm WAKE UP!
1 -2:30pm shower, finish stuff up that wasn't done before my "bedtime" and get ready to get my girlies..
2:30-8 I will be getting the girls, helping with homework, finishing dinner, cleaning the kitchen, prepping stuff for the next day, spending time with the hubby and getting the kids ready for bed.
8:00-9:30: Spending time with the hubby OR taking a nap depending on the day I am sure
10pm: Back to work
Now I know that this will al change especially if there is a school activity, a doctors appointment or I have a HUGE assignment in school. I know that I will need to teach my body to get back on random sleep and lack there of but I am honestly excited to do so! I took the job to help our family. I want don't want to miss things and I want to have the opportunity to be there still...
Now lets hear your thoughts and suggestions on how to get my sleep patterns from nights to days?
Do you work nights?
What helped you transition over?
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