Friday, August 9, 2013

10 more days!

We have reached Day 10 in our count down and things have been running smoother than I could have expected.
This morning we went and picked up the middle schoolers schedule and found out she will be in Pre AP classes AND she still will be in the GT program.
For you that are not familiar with these Pre AP is high end courses that allow children to prepare better for AP courses in Junior High and High School and then college. 
GT is Gifted and Talented. These classes are for children who have special learning skills and need classes that are a little more outside of the box. 
Dakota has had GT since she was in 3rd grade and this class is a HUGE life saver for her brain and her ADHD! 
We will go Monday morning to decorate her locker and she is super excited about this part. 
Up next is an eye appointment for her to get new geek gear to start the year off stylish!
Check back Monday for the styling locker and the new geek gear!
Today I did manage to revamp the lunch making stations to make it easier for the 3 kids and more locker like since the younger two were sad they don't have them in elementary school...
Here is the final results!

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