Now I will be honest I have a sick obsession on matching Christmas decor. I mean EVERYTHING has to match from ornaments to wrapping paper and every thing in between.
In my defence I buy all decor on clearence and or on sale if I think I am in the need of that idem right then and there.
I also made the mistake of changing out our Christmas colors every year as a tradition woth the kids...
This year I have my eye on two colored themes I would love to add to our collection of 20 totes of Christmas decor. (Ok it may not be THAT many but the hubby says it feels that way every year when he is forced to pull it ALL out)
One year I will better organize them and get them set to color themes and ones for keepsakes so he only has a minimum to pull out... until then hun I am sorry :/
Since we change the colors and themes so often I have finally figured out that it would be more cost efficient and more memorable to decide on one stocking to use every year... but what do you choose... white of course!
After searching online I have to say they are REALLY PROUD of white stockings!!! Geesh!
So I want to make our own... here is a few Pinterest finds for inspiration.
These are simple yet lovely and not only universal but unisexed... I try to accommodate the fact the hubby is the only man in the house. ;)
Now when you have stockings you HAVE to have hangers am I right?!
Since we now have a fireplace with a mantle you know what that means!
More decor lol
This is another item they are proud of...
plus i want something again simple and versitle and where we can always add more too just incase we ever have family over for the hoilidays etc.
Again Pinterest is a LIFE SAVER!
Here are some inspirations have found for some DYI.
I can not decide which I LOVE more! Maybe i can make a few different ones for each theme? Hmmm...
What do you think?
Like I mentioned earlier I am looking at two different additions to our collection here they are:
Both of these are sets of 50 and on sale through
We have talked for years on a pink and green theme but could never find a set... I happended to find these today...
The hubby is REALLY loving the rustic colors of the brown and red set and it is a RARE moment when he inputs on Christmas ANYTHING (he can be known to be a bit of a scrooge) so I would love to play with the theme to show him his input is valued and welcomed!
Here are some other finds on sale at I would LOVE to incorporate with the rustic theme one year...
Which theme do you love the best?
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